Chris Lanooij Epe Wandschotel

Wandbord met spatglazuren in diverse tinten blauw en bruin op een oker ondergrond. Gemaakt in de Epe periode door de, zoals hij zich zelf noemde, kunstpotterbakker Chris Lanooij. Gemerkt aan onderzijde met (ingekrast) “C.J. Lanooy Epe”.
De diameter is 27 cm, de hoogte is 5,3 cm. Datering ca. 1930.
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Plate with splash glazes in various shades of blue and brown on an ocher background. Made in the Epe period by, as he called himself, art potter baker Chris Lanooij. Marked on the underside with (scratched) “C.J. Lanooy Epe”. The diameter is 27 cm, the height is 5.3 cm. Dating around 1930.
Would you like to respond and/or to reserve this item? Please call me or mail. For and email address see the Contact – page.
Prijs / Price € 295,-