Gouda Zuid-Holland amphoor vaas met vogel

Grote plateel vaas gemaakt bij de Plateelfabriek Zuid-Holland in Gouda.
Amphoormodel nummer 228 met 2 oren. Datering 1905 – 1910. Decor “vogel”. Schildersmonogran “NN”. Hoogte 40 cm. Prima conditie.
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Big earthenware vase made by the Plateelfabriek Zuid-Holland in Gouda. Amphore shape modelnummer 228, with 2 handles. Date 1905 – 1910. Decoration “vogel”(=bird). Paintersmark “NN”. Height 40 cm. Mint condition.
Would you like to respond and/or to reserve this item? Please call me or email. For tel.nr and email address see the Contact – page.
Prijs / Price € 450,-